- horror reviews - MOH 2019
IMDb Info
Release Year: 2019
Runtime: 1h 23min
Country: Canada
Language: English
Genre Tags: Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Plot Summary: Rivalries, dark secrets, and sexual tension emerge when three best friends find themselves stranded on a yacht in the middle of the ocean desperate for survival.
Poster - Title Card rating: notes:
Outside Reviews:
Christy Lemire
3 out of 4 stars -
“Harpoon”: The title is both a noun and a verb, the promise of excitement and the threat of betrayal. It also represents a bit of a running gag in writer/director Rob Grant’s pitch-black comedy, as the weapon in question during the film’s fateful yacht trip is actually a spear gun, and not a harpoon at all. That kind of playful bait-and-switch is emblematic of Grant’s approach throughout his zippy film. You think you know who the players are, how their relationships work and what they want from each other. But Grant keeps us on our toes the longer he leaves his characters stranded on the high seas, and he’s constantly using his confined space in inspired ways.